Quality Counts Regional Council

Quality Counts Region 3 Regional Training and Technical Assistance Hub
El Dorado County Office of Education, in partnership with First 5 El Dorado and First 5 California implements the Regional Coordination and Training and Technical Assistance Hubs designed to support consortia participating in QRIS throughout California. The primary focus of the Hubs is to provide coordination and specialized support to consortia within a region or with similar technical assistance needs to create economies of scale while building a local early learning system. As a regional body, the Hubs are required to:
- Help consortia identify local and regional strengths and assets, and determine local and regional gaps and needs
- Coordinate regional activities to implement QRIS elements and systems functions
- Reduce regional duplication of efforts
- Build local and regional expertise, and incorporate state and federal evidence based practices models
- Maintain a strong connection to Quality Counts California
Denise Gale, Region 3 Coordinator
530 295-2455