Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an informal process of settling concerns and/or disagreements related to the provision of special education services to students with special needs. The ADR process encourages all parties to collaboratively problem-solve to reach a mutually beneficial resolution without litigation.

The El Dorado County SELPA offers the following options for resolution:

  • Conferencing with schools and parents (usually done by phone)
  • IEP facilitation
  • Resolution session facilitation

ADR Flyer

ADR Flyer (Spanish) 

What is Conferencing?

SELPA staff is available to conference with parents or district staff to address concerns and resolve potential conflicts early.

What is a Facilitated IEP?

The process involves a neutral SELPA facilitator who clarifies the agenda, supports the establishment of group norms, keeps the group focused on the IEP process, encourages collaborative problem solving, monitors time, and ensures effective communication among all team members. Through this guided process, the IEP meeting can be transformed into a positive, productive experience.

What is a Resolution Session?

A resolution session is a dispute resolution process in which the disputing parties come together to reach a mutually satisfying agreement. Resolution sessions are informal, voluntary, and confidential. A SELPA representative is available to serve as a neutral mediator in this process. The parties participating in the session decide when agreement is reached, and the specifics of the agreement are put in writing and signed by all parties to signify the commitment of both to uphold the resolution.

The district must offer a resolution session within 15 calendar days of receiving notice of the parent’s request for a due process hearing. Resolution sessions may also be requested by either parents or districts prior to filing for due process.