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El Dorado County Office of Education

El Dorado County Office of Education

EDC Commission for Youth and Families



There is no wrong door in El Dorado County for families seeking services they need to thrive.


By creating a coordinated, informed system, our community will collectively break down barriers so that our youth and families have the support they deserve.
Strategic Plan FY 23/24 - FY 28/29

Strategic Plan FY 23/24 - FY 28/29

The El Dorado Commission for Youth and Families aims to improve outcomes for youth and families by providing coherent and effective support within the County. In order to do so, the Commission will coordinate an integrated, transparent, and data-driven system of services so that all young people have access to the social, emotional, educational, and/or health services they need in order to thrive. By evaluating the overall well-being of the County's youth, identifying gaps in services, and developing recommendations for improvements, the Commission will encourage El Dorado County's public, nonprofit, and private agencies to work together to ease the burden of navigating across public agencies and community partners. To accomplish its objectives, the Commission may undertake activities in the following Areas of Responsibility: 
1. Communication among all County agencies, community-based organizations, and other leaders
2. Data and information-sharing among County agencies, community-based organizations, and other leaders in accordance with state and federal law
3. Operations of the Commission
4. Evaluation of the work of the Commission and its impact
5. Other matters referred by the Board of Supervisors
6. Other matters of concern referred by the community or any other unnamed board, committee, or commission.
The El Dorado Commission for Youth and Families shall consist of nine Commissioners. Four of the Commissioners will be ex officio members and five Public Members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. 
1. One member shall be the superintendent of the El Dorado County Office of Education or his/her designee from the same agency.
2. One member shall be the director of the El Dorado County Director of Health and Human Services Agency or his/her designee from the same agency.
3. One member shall be the El Dorado County Chief Probation Officer or his/her designee from the same agency.
4. One member shall be an acting member of the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors.
The Board of Supervisors shall appoint the remaining five public members from a pool of county residents who apply and who have demonstrated interest and experience in the areas of the Commission's responsibility. Alternate Commissioners serve to extend and diversify the number of voices and perspectives on the Commission, create a pool of qualified and experienced candidates for future Public Members and ensure Commission continuity.
Current Membership:
 Dr. Ed Manansala, Chair  EDC Superintendent of Schools
 Brian Richart, Vice Chair  EDC Chief Probation Officer
 Wendy Thomas, Vice Chair  EDC Board of Supervisors
 Kristen Patterson, Secretary  Public Member - At Large
 William (Keith) Bladen  Public Member - At Large
 Olivia Byron-Cooper  EDC Director of Health and Human Services Agency
 Scott Coffin  Public Member - At Large
 Annie Muse-Fisher  Public Member - At Large
 Terri Stratton  Public Member - At Large
 Leslie Griffith  Alternate for Commissioner Byron-Cooper
 Kathryn Hamilton  Alternate for Commissioner Thomas
 Mindi Paxiao  Alternate for Commissioner Richart
 Adrianna Webb  Alternate for Commissioner Patterson
 Jude Wood  Alternate for Commissioner Bladen
Term Limits
Public Members shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors. See Resolution for terms.
The Commission shall meet at least six times each year or more often as deemed necessary by the Commission or the Board. The 2025 Meeting Calendar can be found here.
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