Personnel Commission/Merit System
The Personnel Commission is comprised of three members; one member who is appointed by the Superintendent, one member who is nominated by the classified employees, and a third member who is appointed by the other two Commissioners.
The primary function of the El Dorado County Office of Education Personnel Commission is to develop and maintain a viable Merit System for the classified employees (except Charter employees) of the El Dorado County Office of Education. The Commission oversees a system of personnel management called the Merit System, which was established as state law (Education Code Sections 45240-45320). The Personnel Commission's fundamental purpose is to ensure that classified employees are selected, promoted and retained without favoritism or prejudice, on the basis of merit and fitness, and given protection against arbitrary dismissal through rights of appeal.
The Personnel Commission meets on a regular schedule each month at the El Dorado County Office of Education.
All meetings begin at 5:10 PM and are held in Conference Room B-2 (unless otherwise noted).
2025 Meeting Schedule:
All meetings are held on the fourth wednesday of the month in Conference Room B-2 at EDCOE Green Valley Campus, unless otherwise noted.
2025 Meeting Schedule: All meetings are held on the fourth wednesday of the month in Conference Room B-2 at EDCOE Green Valley Campus, unless otherwise noted.
2025 Meeting Schedule:
All meetings are held on the fourth wednesday of the month in Conference Room B-2 at EDCOE Green Valley Campus, unless otherwise noted.
- January 22, 2025
- February 26, 2025 - Location Change from Golden Center to Green Valley Campus - Conference Room B-2
- March 26, 2025
- April 23, 2025
- May 28, 2025
- June 26, 2024 - meeting to start at 12:00 pm
- July (no meeting)
- August 27, 2025
- September 22, 2025 (Fourth Monday)
- October 15, 2025 (Third Wednesday)
- November (no meeting)
- December 10, 2025 (Second Wednesday)
Agendas/MinutesMeeting agendas and minutes can be found here
Notice: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, for those requiring special assistance to access public meeting rooms or to otherwise participate at a public meeting conducted by the El Dorado County Office of Education (EDCOE), please contact Phil Jones at 530.295.2205, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting you wish to attend so that every reasonable effort to accommodate you, including requests for auxiliary aids or services, can be made. Meeting documents are provided online here. If you require documents being discussed at a public meeting be made accessible, please contact Rachel Chaloux at (530) 295-2250,, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. EDCOE strives to provide a fragrance-free work environment. For the comfort of all participants, attendees are requested to refrain from using perfume, cologne and other fragrances.
Personnel Commissioners and their Appointing Authority:
Personnel Commissioners and their Appointing Authority:
Personnel Commissioners and their Appointing Authority:
Mary Richardson, Chair
Appointing Authority: Personnel Commission (Term Expires 12/1/27)
Appointing Authority: Personnel Commission (Term Expires 12/1/27)

Until January 2005, Mary was the Director of External Business Support for the El Dorado County Office of Education. Additionally, she managed a staff of six employees and participated in various COE management activities. Retired now, she lives in Cameron Park with her husband, Keith, where they raise and show pedigreed Maine Coon cats. They also enjoy traveling both within the U.S. as well as internationally. Mary is currently the Education Chair for the Women's Fund El Dorado and Treasurer for the Single Springs Community Center.
Norman Menzie, Vice Chair
Appointing Authority: El Dorado County Board of Education (Term Expires 12/1/25)
Appointing Authority: El Dorado County Board of Education (Term Expires 12/1/25)

Norm lives in Placerville with his wife, Nancy. They have five children and six grandchildren. The education positions held by Norm in El Dorado County include: Social Science Teacher and Counselor at Ponderosa and El Dorado High Schools; Principal and Assistant Principal at El Dorado High School; and Assistant Superintendent with the El Dorado Union High School District. He also held positions as Assistant Principal at Placerita Jr. High School in Newhall, CA; Director of Personnel in Bremerton Consolidated School District in Washington State; Assistant Superintendent in Santa Clara Unified School District in Santa Clara, CA; and Assistant Superintendent of Personnel in Oak Grove Elementary in San Jose, CA. He was also a coordinator and supervisor for Chapman University for ten years. He has been active in professional associations, local community organizations, and in his church's activities.
Janet Maruniak, Member
Appointing Authority: California Schools Employees Association (CSEA) (Term Expires 12/1/26)
Appointing Authority: California Schools Employees Association (CSEA) (Term Expires 12/1/26)

Janet was an employee at EDCOE for 29 years. She worked in Child Development, Front Desk, and Special Services and was a member of CSEA where she held positions as chapter treasurer and a member of the negotiations team. In 1995 she began working in the County Superintendent’s Office. She supported three superintendents during her tenure in the Superintendent’s Office: Dr. Vicki Barber, Jeremy Meyers, and Dr. Manansala. She retired in June 2016. Currently, she is an Administrative Leader for Shingle Springs Bible Study Fellowship. In her spare time, she and her husband Mike love to camp and play in the sand with their sand toys (a sand rail and a side-by-side).