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El Dorado County Office of Education

El Dorado County Office of Education

This section includes resources related to suicide-risk screening and determining interventions for students who have expressed suicidal ideation.
MHSOAC provides free training for designated school staff to learn about best practices in school-based screening for suicide risk and how to respond effectively to keep students safe. The training meets California’s required mandate for all LEAs to have protocols in place to intervene with youth at risk for suicide. The training  incorporates content on Suicide Safety Planning Intervention (SPI), data collection and monitoring related to suicide risk screening, and cultural considerations. Attendees will receive materials necessary for implementation. 
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides this resources to support suicide risk assessments using a five-step evaluation and triage plan. The five-step plan involved identifying risk factors and protective factors, conducting a suicide inquiry, determining risk level and interventions, and documenting a treatment plan.