Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program
The Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP), developed with California Department of Education grants, Title IV-E and Title I funds, focuses on improving educational outcomes for foster youth living in the county. FYSCP will continue to serve all foster youth who are in out-of-home placement [both dependents (300s) and wards (602s) of the court] residing anywhere in El Dorado County and attending public school, regardless of placing county or type of placement.
Historically, FYSCP has collaborated with all public and nonprofit agencies serving foster youth and provided a variety of services including:
Historically, FYSCP has collaborated with all public and nonprofit agencies serving foster youth and provided a variety of services including:
Historically, FYSCP has collaborated with all public and nonprofit agencies serving foster youth and provided a variety of services including:
Assistance in finding, obtaining and transferring school records.
Assistance in making appropriate school placements/changes.
Assistance in obtaining usable and/or specific school information for court.
Consultation regarding any school related issues, including educational mandates relating to foster youth such as AB490 and AB167, as well as educational rights and school of origin concerns.
Referrals/links to other services in schools and the community.
Direct service: Consultation/training for caregivers on creating effective homework routines, interfacing with schools to increase student accountability and basic problem solving.
Direct service: Attendance/participation in Student Study Teams (SST), Child and Family Team meetings (CFT), Multi Agency Case Staffing meetings (MACS), or Individual Education Plan (IEP) teams for students in need.
Creating effective behavioral/incentive intervention plans for improved student achievement.
Arranging for and funding tutoring for students in danger of or already failing.
Since the passing of AB854, FYSCP has additional responsibilities including:
Establishing ongoing collaboration with child welfare, probation, Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and other organizations to determine the proper educational placement of foster youth.
Building capacity with LEAs, probation, child welfare, and other organizations for purposes of implementing school-based support infrastructure for foster youth intended to improve educational outcomes.
Coordinating local planning with LEAs, probation, child welfare to support development and implementation of both the county and LEA Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) to improve educational outcomes for pupils in foster care.
Providing direct educational services for foster youth in LEAs or County-Operated Programs provided the school district has certified that such services cannot be provided or funded using other sources, including, but not limited to, Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), federal, state, or local funding.
Establishing policies and procedures that ensure the timely and appropriate educational placement, the establishment of individualized education plans and the transfer of records, transcripts, and other relevant educational information.
Facilitating the coordination with local postsecondary institutions, including, but not limited to, community colleges or universities.
For more information, please contact:
Margaret Lewis, Program Coordinator
El Dorado County Office of Education 6767 Green Valley Rd. Placerville, CA 95667 530-295-4539 |
Rose Lunsmann, FYS Secretary II El Dorado County Office of Education 6767 Green Valley Rd. Placerville, CA 95667 530-295-2209 |
Hannah Berdrow, FYS Secretary II Health and Human Services Agency Children's Protective Services 3057 Briw Road, Suite A Placerville, CA 95667 530-642-7335 |
Foster Youth Rights & School Enrollment Information
Foster Youth Rights & School Enrollment Information
Foster Youth Rights & School Enrollment Information