El Dorado County Geographic SELPA

The El Dorado County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) is a consortium consisting of the El Dorado County Office of Education (EDCOE) and 14 local educational agencies (LEAs) on the western slope of El Dorado County. The SELPA works collaboratively with our partner LEAs to ensure that special education services are available to all eligible children residing within the region and oversees the distribution of special education funds to member LEAs. The Local Plan describes how EDCOE provides special education services, and the Allocation Plan describes how the special education funding is distributed.
The SELPA strives to ensure that all pupils with exceptional needs receive an appropriate program regardless of where students reside. LEAs have agreed to work together to share resources and support to meet the expectations of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Some examples of these supports include operating regional programs, maintaining shared risk pools, and ensuring equitable distribution of funds to LEAs.