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Chief Probation Officer Brian Richart's Impact: Collaborative Leadership for a Stronger Community

00:00 AM - November 20, 2023

Chief Probation Officer Brian Richart's recent appointment to the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) by the governor validates his commitment to service, community, and effective leadership at the local and state level. His passion for community impact and his collaborative efforts with the El Dorado County Office of Education (EDCOE) have created transformative programs that inspire and leave a positive, lasting impact on many.

A Partnership That Makes a Difference:

Chief Richart is proud of two programs that have flourished through the partnership between Probation and EDCOE. The first program is the launch of Northern California Construction Training (NCCT) in El Dorado County. This non-profit construction pre-apprenticeship training program is offered to justice-involved individuals, supervised by Probation or Parole, and adolescent/adult students not involved in the justice system. Students receive training in the classroom, as well as hands-on building experience in construction trades under the supervision of a journeyman carpenter. The training culminates with the opportunity to move straight into union-supported employment. This collaborative effort boasts an 80% job placement success rate!

The second initiative was creating and establishing the El Dorado County Commission for Youth and Families. The Commission intends to lead and serve as a trusted source for information on the health and well-being of children, youth and families, and identify actionable recommendations for the seamless delivery of responsive support. Chief Richart highlighted the significance of securing funding for the Commission and hiring professional staff through EDCOE, demonstrating a long-term commitment to the championing role of the Commission.

A Statewide Impact:

Chief Richart's recent appointment to the BSCC extends his reach beyond El Dorado County. He views this as an opportunity for the county to showcase its unique approach to addressing community issues at the state level. By participating in the board's activities, he also gains exposure to cutting-edge opportunities for funding and valuable relationships that can positively influence the local area. "I can explore potential solutions to local problems and bring back innovative ideas from across the nation to benefit El Dorado County," he stated.

A Vision for a Brighter Future:

Chief Richart's vision for El Dorado County centers on the well-being of its youth. He believes that the county's young residents are its greatest asset. Because their development directly impacts the county's future, it is incumbent upon all child and family-serving professionals to give them their best effort. Chief Richart emphasizes the importance of providing a holistic system of care for children, especially to the vulnerable and those who have experienced trauma.

Most recently, he partnered with EDCOE and Lake Tahoe Community College (LTCC) to provide youth, residing in the Juvenile Treatment Center (JTC), access to the “Leave No Trace” Career Technical Education (CTE) course. The course exposes youth to the idea that they can attend college and be responsible citizens in the community. "Juvenile justice can be a pathway from challenging circumstances to getting back on track. We want to prepare children to become successful adults,” Richart states.

Dr. Ed Manansala, El Dorado County Superintendent of Schools, expressed his gratitude for the collaborative efforts, "The partnership between Probation and EDCOE is a testament to our shared commitment to serving all. We work together to overcome obstacles, achieve common goals, and develop systems meaningfully supporting youth and families."

In El Dorado County, Chief Brian Richart's commitment to collaboration and community improvement is an inspiring example of dedicated individuals' impact. His vision for a brighter future and his service-oriented drive promotes positive change for El Dorado County and California.

To learn more about the El Dorado County Probation Department and its programs, visit >>

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