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EDCOE Team Member Spotlight: Alison Morrison!

09:00 AM - November 08, 2023

Briefly describe your background (where you grew up, family, why you came to work for EDCOE).

I was born and raised in California. I’ve lived from the bay to the Central Valley and now in the foothills. We gravitated toward El Dorado County for its climate, culture, and proximity to winter and summer activities. My husband and I have four children who all attend the excellent public schools in the county. 

What is your department, title, primary work location, and how long have you worked for EDCOE?

I was hired by the EDCOE Special Services Department in 2018 as a Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP). I currently support and spend most of my time working within the Mother Lode and Pioneer Union school districts.  

Describe how your role helps support programs/schools/students directly or indirectly.

My role as an SLP is to support students with their overall communication skills. I work with preschoolers to 8th-grade students. I have a wide range of students with different degrees of abilities, which makes every day as unique as they are.

What do you most appreciate about your department/team?

I work with multiple teams who are all super supportive. I have the EDCOE Special Services team, including our fantastic SLPs, administrators, and support staff. The ladies in the office are truly remarkable. I also have great teams in the local districts I work in. I wouldn’t be able to do my job effectively without the knowledge and flexibility of the teachers and staff at the schools I serve. 

What is your proudest moment at EDCOE? Why?

I’m proud to wear our EDCOE logo and introduce myself as a county employee. Our team has a reputation for hard work, dedication, and knowledge that contributes to all the local schools within the county. 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Right now, I spend my spare time watching my kids grow and flourish with their academics and sports. Kudos to all the teachers and coaches in this area. I have so much respect for the individuals who use their extra time and expertise to help kids.  

What is something many people may not know about you?

A few years ago, I bought a violin after being inspired by Lindsey Stirling. I spent hours, days, and multiple years practicing, trying to get the tone I was looking for. It has been in its case for the past two years. 

If you could meet anyone in the world, living or deceased, whom would it be and why?

This is tough. There are so many inspirational people in American history that jump into my mind, but strangely enough, the person who stands out is the doctor who assisted and treated Phineas Gage- the man who suffered a near-fatal brain injury and survived. What was that like?

From Elke Merck, Program Administrator, Special Services 

Why is this individual crucial to your team? 

Alison is an exceptionally collaborative team member, a leader amongst her SLP colleagues, and an incredible resource for her schools and IEP teams.

What are this individual’s greatest qualities?

Alison has embraced the role of SLP Lead and works to bring topics of interest for continuing education forward for her team members. Alison embodies EDCOE’s core values of SERVICE and INTEGRITY, and we are most fortunate to have her on our team!   

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