students running

El Dorado County Fair Showcases Student Achievements with Fun Run and Golden Star Booth

10:55 AM - June 20, 2024

From June 13-16, the El Dorado County Fair became a celebration of community spirit, education, and youthful enthusiasm. Key attractions included the Fun Run and the Golden Star Student Booth, both orchestrated by EDCOE to recognize and reward student achievements.

Fun Run: Energizing and Uplifting

The Fun Run, led by Dr. Ed Manansala, El Dorado County Superintendent of Schools, was a major highlight. Children of all ages participated, brimming with excitement and energy. The race provided not just fun and exercise, but also a confidence boost, inspiring children to aim higher. Upon finishing the run, each child was awarded an EDCOE water bottle and a participation medal, celebrating their effort and accomplishment.

Golden Star Student Booth: Honoring Excellence

Centrally located at the fair, the Golden Star Student Booth honored the outstanding achievements of young learners from various schools in the county. Selected for their academic and personal accomplishments, each student was celebrated at the booth. Winners could choose a prize, signifying their hard work and dedication. Additionally, they received a taco ticket for the 20-30 Club booth and enjoyed a memorable photo session. Each student took home a photo strip, while another was displayed to represent their school district, making the booth a lively center of recognition and pride.

Community Support and Volunteer Efforts

The success of the Fun Run and the Golden Star Student Booth was underpinned by the efforts of numerous volunteers. Individuals from local school districts and EDCOE generously donated their time and energy throughout the fair, ensuring the events ran smoothly. Their dedication underscored the community’s commitment to fostering educational excellence and supporting the growth of young minds.

The El Dorado County Fair was a heartwarming event that brought the community together to celebrate the achievements of its young students. As the festivities concluded, attendees were left with lasting memories and a deepened appreciation for the potential of the next generation.

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