students running

Team Member Spotlight - Sylvia Perryman

09:00 AM - September 12, 2023

Briefly describe your background (where you grew up, family, why you came to work for EDCOE).

I grew up in Camino and went to Camino School K-8. Then moved to Diamond Springs, went to Union Mine, and graduated in 2003. I spent most of my childhood running through the apple ranch I lived next door to with my two sisters and two brothers.  After high school, I had a few odd jobs before starting my career here at EDCOE. I had my first and only human child in July 2014. She is literally the best thing ever. My little partner in crime, I just love her! In May I became the mother of my animal child, a little (for now) English Lab named Nola. She has cost me sleep but she is worth it! 

What is your department, title, primary work location, and how long have you worked for EDCOE?

You can find me in the Transportation Department where I have worked since December 2005. I started here as a sub-driver. I was hired full-time in August of 2006. I went for my CHP bus license in January of 2013 and moved into the office as Lead Driver in November of 2019. Recently, I was promoted to Dispatcher, which has had its challenges but I'm getting through them. 

Describe how your role helps support programs/schools/students directly or indirectly.

Throughout the years I have worked my hardest to ensure I transported my students safely and on time. Picking up all extra work possible. Moving into the office I have supported our drivers with all kinds of work questions and issues. I worked closely with our mechanics at the Placerville shop to ensure all our vehicles were in good running order. In my new role, I am working hard at making sure all routes are running smoothly and being the welcoming call to the new students/parents joining our program as passengers. 

What do you most appreciate about your department/team?

We have had a lot of changes here in the Transportation office. This year we welcomed our new Coordinator Meghan McAndrews, as well as a new secretary Cynthia Saulter. With the help of these two ladies, our department has flourished. Change can be rough, but we are all learning the ropes together and their support and confidence in me as well as our drivers has been amazing. 

What is your proudest moment at EDCOE? Why?  

My proudest moment at EDCOE was having the confidence to apply for the Dispatcher position when it opened. I wasn't sure I could do this job up to the standards I set for myself. However, several co-workers believed in me and lifted me up. So, I went for it!! 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

If my daughter is home, it's all about “Mom” life. We are big fans of camping, chilling by any body of water, long drives to nowhere, trips to the zoo or aquarium, and spending time at the ocean searching for shells or cool rocks. During apple season, I can usually be found working in the bake shop at Rainbow Orchards (best apple cider doughnuts). 

What is something many people may not know about you?

I am currently in the process of acquiring a tiny home. 399 sq ft of home that will be all mine. My daughter and I are so excited for this new chapter in our lives!! 

If you could meet anyone in the world, living or deceased, whom would it be and why? 

If could meet anyone in the world it would be my Tio Inez (uncle). He passed away when I was only eight years old. I miss him dearly. I would like to see how his life would have turned out.

From Meghan McAndrews, Transportation Coordinator 
Why is this individual crucial to your team? 

Sylvia is a crucial member of our team because she can creatively solve problems on the fly. Her ability to assess a situation under pressure and be able to find a solution is critical for our department. She can remain calm and assures our drivers during times of need. She invests in the success of the team and the department. While our team is on the road, they know they can count on Sylvia to resolve their logistical concerns and questions.  

What are this individual’s greatest qualities? 

Sylvia has a great quality of being positive and upbeat. Her genuine kindness is presented every day with our families, our staff, and our students. She is always ready to help and puts others before herself. This level of service to others is truly a gift to our department. She is lighthearted but serious about her work. Often when faced with a challenge she is eager to get the job done. These qualities are just a few of what makes her a valuable member of our team.  


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