Finger Printing Services

Live Scan Fingerprinting Services

** At this time EDCOE is not fingerprinting for outside agencies. We hope to reopen this service soon. We recommend contacting your local sheriff's department for a fingerprinting appointment. **

**For a list of local Livescan locations please use this LINK.

The Live Scan Fingerprint Services of the El Dorado County Office of Education (EDCOE) provides employment clearance and personnel support services to school employers, educational agencies, community volunteer organizations and employers serving students, schools, and educational programs throughout El Dorado County. Our services enable school employers and state regulatory agencies such as the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) and the California Department of Social Services (SCSS) to obtain criminal record summaries for persons seeking appointment to school positions or volunteer assignments.

As required by California State Law, an individual who has been convicted of serious and/or violent crime is precluded from employment or volunteer service in California's public schools. An individual who is awaiting trial for serious and/or violent crimes is also precluded from rendering service in California public schools until the matter has been legally concluded.

If the agency or district requires the applicant to pay for fingerprinting services, EDCOE accepts credit/debit, exact cash, checks or money orders made payable to EDCOE. Credit card must be issued in applicant's name.

Scan appointments are scheduled daily from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Employees or volunteers hired by a school district will be referred to EDCOE to be fingerprinted. Required for your appointment: Live Scan Referral Authorization Form (provided by the district) AND State-Issued Driver's License, State Identification Card provided the standards are the same as for the driver's license, U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card. (Current, Valid and Unexpired). Other photo identification may be acceptable. Please contact Human Resources for further information.

Once you are fingerprinted, the time to receive clearances varies. An approximate time frame is 1-2 weeks, however, it can take several months to clear. Even if you have been fingerprinted before, it is against the law for different agencies to share confidential fingerprint results with each other. Therefore, you must be "live scanned" (fingerprinted) for your new position.

To schedule an appointment, or for any questions regarding ID requirements, please call (530) 295-2258.

Service LevelCredit/Debit, Cash, Check or Money Order
Live Scan Fee Schedule – Prices Effective 1/1/2020

Rolling Fee Only


California Department of Justice (DOJ)


$32 DOJ Fee + $40 Rolling Fee



$32 DOJ + $17 FBI + $40 Rolling Fee

DOJ, FBI and Department of Social Services if required.
Fees may vary depending on type.


$32 DOJ + $17 FBI + $25 DSS + $40 Rolling Fee

There may be additional fees depending upon each individual ORI code provided.