Screeners & Assessments
Screeners and Assessments are completed within 45 and 60 days of the student’s first day of attendance. All screening and assessment results are gathered and shared with parents to ensure children are meeting their goals and objectives throughout the year.
- Desired Results Developmental Profile Preschool and Infant Toddler - This is an assessment tool which allows teachers to observe, document, and reflect on the learning, development, and see progress of children birth through 5 years of age who are enrolled in early care and education programs. The assessment results are used by the teacher to individualize learning activities. This tool is used throughout the school year and results are shared with parent’s three times per school year.
- Brigance - The Brigance Head Start Screen III allows teachers to quickly and easily screen children to identify potential developmental delays and giftedness as well as specific strengths and needs in physical development, language, academic/cognitive, self-help, and social emotional skills.
- The Devereux Early Childhood Assessment - This assessment focuses on promoting the healthy emotional development and social skills for children ages 3 through 5 years old. These key factors related to child development also promote strong resilience in preschoolers.
- Ages & Stages Questionnaire and Ages & Stages Questionnaire – Social Emotional (Early Head Start) - This screener is used by Early Head Start teachers with infants and toddlers to identify concerns and celebrate children’s milestones.
Desired Results Developmental Profile
Brigance Head Start Screen III – Brigance website
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment – Center for Resilient Children website