District Local Control and Accountability Plans
In accordance with Education Code Sections 52070 and 42127, El Dorado County Office of Education has reviewed the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for county school districts for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
Education Code requires the County Superintendent to approve the LCAP or annual update for each school district after determining all of the following:
- The LCAP adheres to the template adopted by the State Board of Education.
- The budget includes expenditures sufficient to implement the specific actions and strategies included in the LCAP.
- The LCAP adheres to the expenditure requirements for funds apportioned on the basis of the number and concentration of unduplicated students pursuant to Sections 42238.02 and 42238.03.
- The LCAP includes required calculations demonstrating that the LEA has satisfied the requirements to increase or improve services as outlined in Ed Code Section 42238.07.
2023-2024 LCAPs for the districts in El Dorado County can be found below:
Black Oak Mine Unified School District LCAP
Buckeye Union School District LCAP
Camino Union School District LCAP
El Dorado Union High School District LCAP
Gold Oak Union School District LCAP
Gold Trail Union School District LCAP
Indian Diggings School District LCAP
Lake Tahoe Unified School District LCAP
Mother Lode Union School District LCAP
Pioneer Union School District LCAP
Placerville Union School District LCAP
Pollock Pines School District LCAP
Rescue Union School District LCAP
Silver Fork School District LCAP