Suicide Prevention - Comprehensive Resources

Comprehensive Resources

The comprehensive toolkits and websites listed in this section include guidance that span prevention, intervention and postvention efforts.

  • Toolkits 

    • Suicide and Self-Harm: A Prevention and Response Toolkit for Educators (EDCOE)

      • The El Dorado County Office of Education (EDCOE) Suicide & Self-Harm: Prevention and Response Toolkit for Educators is a compilation of useful handouts, lists, tools, and resources for school personnel to utilize in preventing and/or responding to self-harm or suicide. Each section is intended to be accessed independently when needed. School staff are also encouraged to review the toolkit and corresponding resources early and often to support their prevention, intervention, and response efforts.

      • Click on this link to view a video on how to use the Suicide and Self Harm Toolkit

      • Click on this link to access the digital padlet of resources

    • Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools 

      • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association (SAMHSA) provides this toolkit to assist high schools and school districts in designing and implementing strategies to prevent suicide and promote behavioral health. The toolkit includes tools to implement a multifaceted suicide prevention program that responds to the needs and cultures of students in preventing and responding to death by suicide. 

    • Toolkit for Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention

      • The HEARD Alliance provides a comprehensive toolkit drawn from State and National guidelines and from current research and recommendations regarding youth mental wellness and suicide prevention.  This toolkit encompasses information for educators beginning with education and prevention efforts through postvention.

  • Websites  

    • National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Preventing Youth Suicide

      • NASP’s curated list of resources includes a comprehensive guidebook for school administrators and policy makers containing best practices in suicide prevention, intervention and postvention.  

    • California Department of Education's Youth Suicide Prevention Resources

      • The CDE provides a listing of resources to help school districts address the need for youth suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention, including a model youth suicide prevention policy for LEAs.

    • Directing Change  

      • Directing Change offers a comprehensive overview of suicide prevention resources for schools targeting the following:  AB 2246 Resources and Trainings, Resources for Teachers, Lesson Plans, Staff Trainings, Intervention resources, Postvention Resources, Youth & Parent Engagement Resources, Higher Education Resources, and Featured Programs.

    • Suicide Risk Screening in Schools Trainings and Resources 
      • Training on suicide risk screening in school settings is vital to comprehensive suicide prevention. California Education Code 215 mandates that all Local Education Agencies have protocols in place to intervene with youth at risk for suicide. The Commission is providing a free training for designated school staff to learn about best practices in school-based screening for suicide risk and how to respond effectively to keep students safe. The training incorporates content on Suicide Safety Planning Intervention (SPI), data collection and monitoring related to suicide risk screening, and cultural considerations. Attendees will receive materials necessary for implementation.

  • Documents  

    • El Dorado County Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan

      • The overarching goal of the Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan is to reduce suicide attempts and deaths in El Dorado County through a comprehensive framework, using a public health approach that encompasses: Prevention; Early intervention for those at risk; Treatment and support for those struggling with suicidal thoughts after a suicide attempt; and Postvention after a suicide loss, to promote healing and hope for a better tomorrow.