Child Find
Child Find activities are the responsibility of each Local Education Agency (LEA) and occur prior to a referral for special education services. These activities are designed to locate individuals, birth through 21 years of age, including children not enrolled in public school programs as well as children who are homeless or wards of the state and reside in the district and may be eligible for and in need of special education and/or related services.
The El Dorado County SELPA is seeking children and young adults ages birth to 21 who may need special education services, including highly mobile (such as migrant or homeless) children with disabilities and children who are suspected of having a disability. If you believe your child may have special education needs, please find your local school district information below in the table or call the SELPA at (530) 295-2476.
Child find activities also foster awareness and understanding on the part of educators, parents, and other community members of the referral procedures for special education, the eligibility criteria, and the continuum of special education programs and services available. Child find activities inform educators, community agencies, and parents/guardians of their right to refer their child for a special education assessment to determine eligibility and the need for special education services.
(E.C. § 56300 and 56301)
Parents or community members within the El Dorado County Special Education Local Plan Area (EDCOE SELPA) boundaries who suspect a child may have a disability are encouraged to contact the special education department located at their local school district office.
El SELPA del condado El Dorado está buscando a niños y adultos jóvenes desde el nacimiento hasta los 21 años de edad que puedan necesitar servicios de educación especial, incluidos los niños sin lugares de residencia fijos (como migrantes o desamparados) con discapacidades y niños que se sospecha que tiene una discapacidad. Si usted cree que su hijo/a puede tener necesidades educativas especiales, póngase en contacto con su distrito escolar local o con el SELPA llamando al (530) 295-2476.
District Special Education Offices in El Dorado County SELPA
District Name | District Phone Number |
Black Oak Mine Unified School District | (530) 333-8300 |
Buckeye Union School District | (530) 677-2261 |
Camino Union Elementary School District | (530) 644-4552 |
El Dorado Union High School District | (530) 622-5081 |
Gold Oak Union School District | (530) 626-3150 |
Gold Trail Union School District | (530) 626-3194 |
Indian Diggings School District | (530) 620-6546 |
Latrobe School District | (530) 677-0260 |
Mother Lode Union School District | (530) 622-6464 |
Pioneer Union School District | (530) 620-3556 |
Placerville Union School District | (530) 622-7216 |
Pollock Pines Elementary School District | (530) 644-5416 |
Rescue Union School District | (530) 677-4461 |
Silver Fork School District | (530) 644-5416 |