
SELPA Superintendents' Council

SELPA Superintendents’ Council Focus

The SELPA Superintendents’ Council is made up of Superintendents/LEA Representatives. The SELPA Superintendents’ Council considers recommendations submitted by the Executive Committee. This Council has final authority to act upon fiscal and policy recommendations made by the SELPA Professional Learning Community, SELPA Program/Business Committee, and Executive Committee.

Approval Process

Policies recommended by the Executive Committee are disseminated to the full membership of the SELPA Superintendents’ Council for final action. Each member of the SELPA Superintendents’ Council assumes responsibility for communication and presentation to their respective Governing Boards of Education of the adopted policy, and to all LEAs whom they represent.

Agendas are provided, as well as addendums and minutes for meetings covering an array of standing and evolving issues related to services.

Notices: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, for those requiring special assistance to access public meeting rooms or to otherwise participate at a public meeting conducted by the El Dorado County Office of Education (EDCOE), please contact Phil Jones at 530-295-2205, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting you wish to attend so that every reasonable effort to accommodate you, including requests for auxiliary aids or services, can be made. Meeting documents are provided online here. If you require documents being discussed at a public meeting be made accessible, please contact Elizabeth DeBenedetto by calling 530-295-2236, or emailing, at least 48 hours in advance of the meetingEDCOE strives to provide a fragrance-free work environment. For the comfort of all participants, attendees are requested to refrain from using perfume, cologne, and other fragrances.

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